Why go to a Travel Agent?
Travel Agents are professional travel specialists who have the expertise to advise you on your
entire travel plan. We are a one-stop-shop. Our Agents specialize in a variety of areas, and take
the extra step to find the best price available.
Can a Travel Agent beat an airline Internet special?
Yes and no. Sometimes an airline offers an "Internet Special" that is only available from its Web
site. What the Internet can't do is advise you of even better rates that may be available either on
other airlines, or by switching your dates by one or two days, saving money round-trip.
How will I be notified of a schedule change?
If a Travel Agent books your airline reservation, you will be notified of a schedule change by your Agent. If you make an Internet booking, it is your responsibility to follow-up on schedule changes.
Do brochures give you a true "picture" of what is being offered?
Sometimes. Some photos make a destination look better than it is, while other brochures don't give certain destinations the true justice they deserve. A benefit of consulting with our agency, is that our Travel Agents are very well traveled, and may have already been to the resort or on the cruise line you are looking into.
How do I find out about special deals?
We receive daily faxes from vendors offering "great deals!" Many times they are restricted to travel dates within a few months of the current date, and peak travel periods are often blocked out. Speak to one of our Agents to see what "great deal" is the right one for you. Join our email list, if you would like us to keep our eyes open for special offers.
How has security changed since September 11th?
Airlines are requesting that you arrive 2 hours prior to departure for domestic flights and 3 hours prior for international flights. Airports have stepped-up their security measures, and some airports have tighter security than others. We strongly recommend that these time measures be followed, in order to not miss your flight.
Can a package deal be a better way to go?
A package deal can be much more economical for family travel to popular vacation destinations. A package may also be a better way to book your air, hotel and car, than by booking these components separately.
Do I need a passport to travel outside of the United States?
Traveling abroad? New passport requirements are now in effect. Get the latest information on your passport, visa, and health requirements—which can vary by travel mode—well in advance of your trip. Expedia strongly recommends that every traveler be prepared by having a passport; if you don't have one, allow a minimum of 6–8 weeks to obtain one.
Air travel: Passports are now required for all U.S. citizens traveling to or from any international destination via air, with the exception of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Sea travel: U.S. citizens on closed-loop cruises (cruises that begin and end at the same port in the U.S.) will be able to enter or depart the country with proof of citizenship, such as a birth certificate and laminated government issued picture ID, denoting photo, name and date of birth. A U.S. citizen under the age of 16 will be able to present either an original or a certified copy of his or her birth certificate, a Consular Report of Birth Abroad issues by DOS, or Certificate of Naturalization issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. All non closed-loop cruises will require a passport.
Land travel: See Passport Card information below.
United States citizens can visit the State Department’s web site or call the U.S. National Passport Information Center: (877) 4USA-PPT. Please allow at minimum 6–8 weeks for processing of the passport application. If you need to travel urgently and require a passport sooner, expedited processing is available.
To find out more information on how to obtain a passport, visit here.
To find foreign country entry requirements, visit here.
To find U.S. entry requirements for non-citizens, visit here.
What is a passport card?
The passport card is a wallet-size card that can only be used for land and sea travel between the United States and Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Bermuda. The card will provide a less expensive, smaller, and more convenient alternative to the passport book for those who travel frequently to these destinations by land or by sea.
For more information, visit here.